It's been a busy old summer in the Leanbh Babywearing household. 3 littlies at home and my eldest is hanging around the house a lot too. It's meant that things took a little step back so we could enjoy some very important family time and it's nice to wind down a bit over the summer and get out as much as possible with the kids. Endless picnics and park visits.
Smallest little miss is now a very independent 2.5yr old and is only up the odd time now and again. She's busy chasing her brothers and scooting everywhere instead. It's those little moments she wants up when she's tired or wants a cuddle or is feeling a bit clingy that I get to wrap her for a short while. I'm loving my LennyLamb red & grey hearts ring sling and my Oscha Roses Danna in size 3 and those are what I reach for on the rare occasions I'm allowed to carry her. With the LennyLamb she sits in a lovely hip carry and the tails are long enough for me to reinforce the seat to give extra support and prevent the leg straightening that some toddlers love to do! With the Oscha, my go to carry is a Reinforced Rear Rebozo Rucksack finished with a Candy Cane Chest Belt (RRRR with CCCB for the babywearing geeks ☺). I find this a really comfortable carry that offers a lot of support without feeling diggy on my shoulders.